The overall objective of ModelWorld is to provide an open manufacturing facility which can be used throughout the operations research, information technologies, and manufacturing research communities for research as well as educational insight into flexible manufacturing systems.
Current research is concentrating on the development of the associated information infrastructure required to make this open facility a reality. This infrastructure will consist of a complex set of data structures, procedures, programs, and protocols as well as a sophisticated user interface which facilitates and controls user access to ModelWorld services. Once completed, this infrastructure will provide the vehicle for external users to directly interact with the ModelWorld lab. Unique to this infrastructure will be the ability to systematically extend the physical manufacturing system configuration to match the research requirements through the use of a partial virtual manufacturing system approach.
Currently available project details are contained in the following.
One of the embodyments of the ModelWorld project involves designing and testing manufacturing control systems over the web. Click here to see the current work on the Simulation over the WEB project.
1996 NSF Grantees Conference Paper
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