TAMCAM Publications

The following list includes the papers that have been written by members of the TAMCAM research staff. This list includes papers and presentations from 1994 to 1995. Publications prior to 1994 can be found in the ModelWorld database.

  1. B. A. Peters, J. S. Smith, J. Curry, C. LaJimodiere, and G. Drake, "Advanced Tutorial - Simulation-Based Scheduling and Control" (to appear), Proceedings of the 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA, December 1996.
  2. S. Venkatesh, J. Smith, B. Deuermeyer, and G. Curry, "Deadlock Detection and Resolution for Discrete Event Simulation: Multiple-Unit Seizes," (to appear) IIE Transactions.
  3. Drake, Glenn and Smith, J.,"Simulation System for Real Time Planning Scheduling and Control," (to appear) Proceedings of the 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA, December 1996.
  4. Smith, J. S., "Design and Implementation of FMS Control Software," Proceedings of the 1996 FAIM Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 1996.
  5. Drake, Glenn, Smith, Jeffrey S., and Peters, Brett A., "Simulation as a Planning and Scheduling Tool for Flexible Manufacturing Systems," Proceedings of the 1995 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C., December 1995.
  6. Smith, J.S. and Joshi, S.B., "A Shop Floor Controller Class for Computer Integrated Manufacturing," International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 8, No. 5, September-October 1995.
  7. Joshi, S. B., Mettala, E. G., Smith, J. S., and Wysk, R. A., "Formal Models for Control of Flexible Manufacturing Cells: Physical and System Models," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 11, No. 4, August 1995 , pp. 558-570.
  8. Wysk, R. A., Peters, B. A., and Smith, J. S., "A Formal Process Planning Schema for Shop Floor Control," Engineering Design and Automation Journal, Vol. 1. No. 1, Spring 1995, pp.3-19.
  9. Wysk, R. A. and Smith, J. S., "A Formal Functional Characterization of Shop Floor Control," Computers in Industrial Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 3, 1995, pp. 631-644.
  10. Smith, J. S. and Joshi, S. B., "Reusable Software Concepts for Flexible Manufacturing System Control," International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1992, pp. 182-196.
  11. Smith, J.S., Hoberecht, W.C., and Joshi, S.B., "A Shop Floor Control Architecture for Computer Integrated Manufacturing," IIE Transactions, Vol. 28, No. 10, October 1996, pp. 783-794.
  12. Lee, S., Wysk R. A., and Smith, J. S., "Process Planning Interface for a Shop Floor Control Architecture for Computer Integrated Manufacturing," International Journal of Production Research, (accepted) 1993.
  13. Peters, B. A., Smith, J.S., and Hale T.S., "A Closed Form Solution for the Optimal AS/RS Dwell Point," International Journal of Production Research, (accepted) 1994.
  14. Peters, B. A., Smith, J. S., and Venkatesh, S., "A Control Classification of Automatic Guided Vehicle Systems," International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Applications and Practice, (accepted), February 1995.
  15. Schorn-DiSalvi, E. C., Liquigan, R., Peters, B. A., and Smith, J. S., "Development of an Intelligent Scheduler for Semiconductor Manufacturing," Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop, November 13-15, Cambridge, MA, 1995.
  16. Edlabadkar, A., Peters, B. A., and Smith, J. S., "Design of a Generic, Real Time Material Transport Control System," Proceedings of the First World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes and Systems, February, 1995, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  17. Joshi, S. B., Smith, J. S., Wysk, R. A., Peters, B. A., and Pegden, C. D., "RapidCIM: An Approach to Rapid Development of Control Software for FMS Control," 27th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, May 1995.
  18. Smith, J. S., Wysk, R. A., Sturrock, D., Ramaswamy, S., Smith, G., and Joshi S. B., "Discrete Event Simulation for Shop Floor Control," Proceedings of the 1994 Winter Simulation Conference, December, 1994, Lake Buena Vista, FL, pp. 962-969.
  19. Peters, B.A., Smith, J.S., Wysk, R.A., and Disney, R.L., "MODELWORLD - A Manufacturing Systems Research Test Facility," Concurrent Product Design - Proceedings of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 1994, pp.151-158.
  20. Venkatesh, S., Smith, J., Deuermeyer, B., and Curry, G., "Deadlock Properties in Discrete Simulation Systems," Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Internataional Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Diego, CA, 1994, pp. 2563-2568.
  21. Joshi, S.B., Smith, J.S., Wysk, R.A., and Pegden, C.D., "Software for Control of FMS - The RapidCIM Concept and Approach," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing, Maui, Hawaii, May 1994.
  22. Wysk, R. A., Smith, J. S., Joshi, S. B., and Pegden, C. D., "Rapid Prototyping of Shop Floor Control Systems for CIM," Proceedings of the 3rd IIE Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 1994, pp. 382-387.
  23. Balakrishnan, R., Leon, V. J., and Smith, J. S., "Resource Constrained Model for FMS Scheduling," Proceedings of the 3rd IIE Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 1994, pp. 412-417.
  24. Smith, J.S., Peters, B.A., Wysk, R.A, and Disney, R.L., "MODELWORLD" OR/MS Today, October 1994, pp. 32-37.
  25. Wysk, R. A., Disney, R. L, Peters, B. A., Smith, J. S., Kumaran, T. K., Lee, S., Hur, S., and Edlabadkar, A., "MODELWORLD: An Open System for Manufacturing System Analysis," Industrial Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 9, July 1994, pp. 49-54.
  26. Keserla, A. and B.A. Peters, "Analysis of Dual Shuttle Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 13, No. 6, 1994, pp. 424-434.
  27. Peters, B.A and G.S. Subramanian, "Analysis of Partial Setup Strategies for Solving the Operational Planning Problem in Parallel Machine Electronic Assembly Systems," International Journal of Production Research, to appear, 1995.
  28. Leon, V.J. and B.A. Peters, "Replanning and Analysis of Partial Setup Strategies in Printed Circuit Board Assembly Systems," International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, to appear, 1995.
  29. Peters, B.A., "System Design and Product Assignment In Single Stage Flexible Assembly Systems," Proceedings of the Second Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May, 1993.
  30. Peters, B.A., "Economic Modeling of Automated Material Handling Systems in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities," Progress in Material Handling Research: 1994, R.J. Graves, L.F. McGinnis, D.J. Medeiros, R.W. Ward, and M.R. Wilhelm (editors), 1995, pp. 409-430.

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