Current TAMCAM Publications

The following list contains publications produced by members of the TAMCAM research staff within the last 6 months.

  1. S. Venkatesh, J. Smith, B. Deuermeyer, and G. Curry, "Deadlock Detection and Resolution for Discrete Event Simulation: Multiple-Unit Seizes," (to appear) IIE Transactions.
  2. Drake, Glenn and Smith, J.,"Simulation System for Real Time Planning Scheduling and Control," (to appear) Proceedings of the 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA, December 1996.
  3. Smith, J. S., "Design and Implementation of FMS Control Software," Proceedings of the 1996 FAIM Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 1996.
  4. Drake, Glenn, Smith, Jeffrey S., and Peters, Brett A., "Simulation as a Planning and Scheduling Tool for Flexible Manufacturing Systems," Proceedings of the 1995 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C., December 1995.

Updated as of Thursday, August 01, 1996.

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