TAMCAM Publications
The following list includes the papers on scheduling that have
been written by members of the TAMCAM research staff.
- Drake, Glenn and Smith, J.,"Simulation System for
Real Time Planning Scheduling and Control," (to
appear) Proceedings of the 1996 Winter Simulation
Conference, San Diego, CA, December 1996.
- Drake, Glenn, Smith, Jeffrey S., and Peters, Brett A., "Simulation as a Planning
and Scheduling Tool for Flexible Manufacturing
Systems," Proceedings of the 1995 Winter
Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C., December
- Schorn-DiSalvi, E. C., Liquigan, R., Peters, B. A., and
Smith, J. S., "Development of an Intelligent
Scheduler for Semiconductor Manufacturing," Advanced
Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop,
November 13-15, Cambridge, MA, 1995.
- Smith, J. S., Wysk, R. A., Sturrock, D., Ramaswamy, S.,
Smith, G., and Joshi S. B., "Discrete Event
Simulation for Shop Floor Control," Proceedings
of the 1994 Winter Simulation Conference, December,
1994, Lake Buena Vista, FL, pp. 962-969.
- Balakrishnan, R., Leon, V. J., and Smith, J. S.,
"Resource Constrained Model for FMS
Scheduling," Proceedings of the 3rd IIE Research
Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 1994, pp. 412-417.
- Peters, B.A and G.S. Subramanian, "Analysis of
Partial Setup Strategies for Solving the Operational
Planning Problem in Parallel Machine Electronic Assembly
Systems," International Journal of Production
Research, to appear, 1995.
- Leon, V.J. and B.A. Peters, "Replanning and Analysis of
Partial Setup Strategies in Printed Circuit Board
Assembly Systems," International Journal of
Flexible Manufacturing Systems, to appear, 1995.
- Peters, B.A., "System Design and Product Assignment
In Single Stage Flexible Assembly Systems," Proceedings
of the Second Industrial Engineering Research Conference,
Los Angeles, CA, May, 1993.
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