Shop Floor Control
The following list includes the papers on shop floor control
that have been written by members of the TAMCAM research staff.
- Drake, Glenn and Smith, J.,"Simulation System for
Real Time Planning Scheduling and Control," (to
appear) Proceedings of the 1996 Winter Simulation
Conference, San Diego, CA, December 1996.
- Smith, J. S., "Design
and Implementation of FMS Control Software,"
Proceedings of the 1996 FAIM Conference, Atlanta, GA, May
- Drake, Glenn, Smith, Jeffrey S., and Peters, Brett A., "Simulation as a Planning
and Scheduling Tool for Flexible Manufacturing
Systems," Proceedings of the 1995 Winter
Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C., December
- Smith, J.S. and Joshi, S.B., "A
Shop Floor Controller Class for Computer Integrated
Manufacturing," International Journal of
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 8, No. 5,
September-October 1995.
- Joshi, S. B., Mettala, E. G., Smith,
J. S., and Wysk, R. A., "Formal
Models for Control of Flexible Manufacturing Cells:
Physical and System Models," IEEE
Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 11, No.
4, August 1995 , pp. 558-570.
- Wysk, R. A., Peters, B. A., and Smith, J. S., "A Formal Process
Planning Schema for Shop Floor Control," Engineering
Design and Automation Journal, Vol. 1. No. 1, Spring
1995, pp.3-19.
- Wysk, R. A. and Smith, J. S., "A
Formal Functional Characterization of Shop Floor
Control," Computers in Industrial Engineering,
Vol. 28, No. 3, 1995, pp. 631-644.
- Smith, J. S. and Joshi, S. B., "Reusable Software
Concepts for Flexible Manufacturing System Control,"
International Journal of Computer Integrated
Manufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1992, pp. 182-196.
- Smith, J.S., Hoberecht, W.C., and Joshi, S.B., "A Shop Floor Control
Architecture for Computer Integrated Manufacturing,"
IIE Transactions, Vol. 28, No. 10,
October 1996, pp. 783-794.
- Lee, S., Wysk R. A., and Smith, J. S., "Process
Planning Interface for a Shop Floor Control Architecture
for Computer Integrated Manufacturing," International
Journal of Production Research, (accepted) 1993.
- Joshi, S. B., Smith, J. S., Wysk, R. A., Peters, B. A.,
and Pegden, C. D., "RapidCIM: An Approach to Rapid
Development of Control Software for FMS Control,"
27th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems,
Ann Arbor, MI, May 1995.
- Smith, J. S., Wysk, R. A., Sturrock, D., Ramaswamy, S.,
Smith, G., and Joshi S. B., "Discrete Event
Simulation for Shop Floor Control," Proceedings
of the 1994 Winter Simulation Conference, December,
1994, Lake Buena Vista, FL, pp. 962-969.
- Joshi, S.B., Smith, J.S., Wysk, R.A., and Pegden, C.D.,
"Software for Control of FMS - The RapidCIM Concept
and Approach," Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing, Maui,
Hawaii, May 1994.
- Wysk, R. A., Smith, J. S., Joshi, S. B., and Pegden, C.
D., "Rapid Prototyping of Shop Floor Control Systems
for CIM," Proceedings of
the 3rd IIE Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, May
1994, pp. 382-387.
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